In late 1952, Leo knew his time as a monk in the Self Realization Fellowship ashram was coming to a close (as his Guru had predicted to others.) Leo started to act on his desire to go to India, seeking to findĀ a way to live there totally dedicated to the spiritual life. He corresponded with Swami Sivananda (Divine Life Society) about it and received a warm and encouraging reply from this great soul. However, Leo was unable to marshal the resources to make the trip at that time. Even years later (well into his 70s,) he still talked about his desire to go to India.
The movie Awake premiered in India last week. Those in India can now watch this living depiction of the life of Paramahansa Yogananda. As those there see Leo and hear his voice as he talks about his Guru, it would seem that Leo’s desire to go to India has been fulfilled at last.